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We generally meet 18 times a year on alternate Thursday evenings (although we sometime choose to rearrange meetings which might otherwise conflict with major events such as the Blackpool Magic Convention). We convene at 7:00 pm for 7:30, begin each evening with a short business meeting, and then devote the rest of the time until about 10:00 pm to workshops, lectures, seminars, or more social evenings suchs as “Afternoon Tea in the Evening” where refreshments are served and great magical entertainment ensues. These are the evenings open to friends and family.

30th January - EDC (Every Day Carry)

Members, Members and Visiting Magicians
Hosts:  George Speirs & Calum James

2024 - 2025 Syllabus 


5th September - Theme: Something old and Something new 

Members and Visiting Magicians

Hosted by Paul Armour and Glen Collie


19th September - Workshop: Table Hopping Magic

Members and Visiting Magicians

Hosted by George Speirs an Calum James


3rd October - Theme: Impromptu Magic

Members and Visiting Magicians

Hosted ny Graham Whyte


17th October - Competition: Novice, One Trick and Children’s

Members, Members Family & Guests and Visiting Magicians

Host: Dave Ennis


31st October - Halloween and night of magic and entertainments

Members, Members Family & Guests and Visiting Magicians

Host: TBA


7th November - Lecture by Ferran Rizo

Members and Visiting Magicians (There is a £10 fee for visiting magicians)

Host: TBA


21 November - Club Dinner at the Heera Indian Restaurant 

Members Only

Host: Brian Jeffery


5th December - Mentalism

Members  and Visiting Magicians

Host: Terry McEwan


19th December - Christmas Party

Members, Members Family & Guests and Visiting Magicians

Host: Paul Armour


9th January - Workshop: Balloons / Circus Skills

Members  and Visiting Magicians

Host: Paul Armour and another TBA


16th January - Lecture: Gary James

Members, Members and Visiting Magicians (There is a £10 fee for visiting magicians)

Host: TBA


30th January - Theme: EDC (Every Day Carry)

Members  and Visiting Magicians

Host: George Speirs & Calum James


6th February - Competition Stand-up / Close-up

Members, Members Family & Guests and Visiting Magicians

Host: TBA


20th February - Theme: What’s new / What I bought at Blackpool

Members  and Visiting Magicians

Host: TBA


6th March - Lecture: I did it My Way (Part 3)

Members, Members and Visiting Magicians (There is a £10 fee for visiting magicians)

Host and Lecturer: Tommy Templeton


20th March: Inter-club Night

Members  and Visiting Magicians

Host: Paul Armour


3rd April - Workshop: Crowd Management - Close-up and Shows

Members  and Visiting Magicians

Hosts: George Speirs, Calum James & Graham Whyte


17th April - Lecture: Mark Bennet

Members, Members and Visiting Magicians (There is a £10 fee for visiting magicians)

Host: TBA


1st May - nnual General. Meeting

Members Only


15th May - President’s Night

Members, Members Family & Guests and Visiting Magicians

Host: Paul Armour

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